Sina Weibo v14.7.3 APK MOD (Unlimited Money)

Sina Weibo APK MOD v14.7.3

Last Modified - September 15, 2024 Apps
APK Information
Android 5.0
Android Android 5.0 Apps
262.8 MB
Aug 1, 2024
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3.9 ( 672 ratings )
Price: $0

Description Sina Weibo APK MOD

Sina Weibo is a microblogging application social network comparable to Twitter. Users can easily post new posts with information of interest or multimedia content they want to share.

You can also enable notifications to keep you informed of what’s new about your contacts. You can also follow a specific topic like sports, fashion, or movies. This makes it easy to add new people with the same interests to start a great conversation.

Sina Weibo Social Media

The app’s similarities to Twitter continue to emerge once you start using the app. Users can post with a 140 character limit and use the format “@UserName” to mention or talk about others and add hashtags.

Follow other users to see posts on their timeline, repost as @UserName, similar to Twitter’s retweet feature “RT @UserName”, select posts to your favorites list, and, if the user is a celebrity, create an account. can be authenticated. brand, business.

Sina Weibo has a verification policy to verify the identity of its users. When a user is verified, a colorful V is appended to their username. Individuals receive orange Vs, organizations and companies receive blue Vs.

If your account isn’t live yet, check out our guide on how to open a Weibo account abroad. After logging in, click the ‘Me’ icon in the button navigation bar and select the gear icon in the top right corner.

Now click on the ‘Settings’ option and you will see a ‘Language’ option at the bottom of the list. Click on this option and select ‘English’. You can now use the Weibo app in English.

Click the download button above to download the Sina Weibo app. Once the download is complete, install the file and the app is ready to use. Please let us know if you have learned anything new about China after using the app.

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